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Clinic Screen and Isolate Plan for COVID-19

My client Melissa Rogne, the owner of Rejuv in Fargo North Dakota has generously shared these re-opening procedures for her Guests and employees. She has done this in accordance with what is okay for businesses in North Dakota. Some of these might be considerations for you as you contemplate re-opening your business. Thank you Melissa!

Rejuv Medical Aesthetic Clinic Screen and Isolate Plan for COVID-19

Objective and Plan: Starting 05/04/2020, Rejuv will start screening every individual person for COVID-19 symptoms prior to their visit via a pre-appointment screening and reschedule individuals who screen positive to reduce the risk of spreading infection. At this time, we anticipate this plan to be in effect until further notice. This pre-appointment screening will take place no more than 24 hours prior to their visit through a text link.


EVERY person must be screened prior to their scheduled appointment for the following symptoms with the following questions;

1. Do you have a cough?

2. Fever?

3. Body aches?

4. Shortness of breath?

5. Sore Throat?

6. Flu-like symptoms?

7. Sudden loss of smell or taste?

8. Have you been tested for COVID and have you gotten your test results?

9. Have you had any contact with someone that tested positive or was possibly infected with the virus and not tested?

Negative screened Patients- Patients who report “No” to all screening questions will be directed to carry out business as normal at Rejuv with following the process indicated below.

Positive screened patients- Patients who report “Yes” to any screening questions will have their appointments rescheduled, walk-in patients will be asked to exit the facility.

Patient Flow Process

· All patients who report “No” to all screening questions will be instructed to come to their appointment with a mask and to come to their appointment alone.

· The Rejuv Entrance will be the East Aesthetic doors for all patients and all appointments.

· Rejuv will have a staff member stationed at the East Aesthetic Lobby Door for the purpose of conducting the screening, triaging and directing traffic flow.

· All patients will have their temperature taken as a vital sign upon entry prior to checking in for their scheduled appointment. Patients with a temperature of 100.4 or above will be asked to reschedule their appointment and exit the facility. These vital signs will then be documented within their medical record by their provider.

· All other patients will be checked in by the traffic flow staff member via their iPad and directed to the Hand Washing Station in the Aesthetic Lobby.

· After checking in, patients will wait in the designated areas of the lobby. These seating areas will be at least 6 feet apart.

· If the designated seating areas are occupied, patients will be directed to wait in their vehicles instead of in the waiting areas to prevent inadvertent spread of the virus. The appointed traffic flow staff member will call the patient’s cell phone when we seat opens up in the lobby or when the provider is ready for the treatment. The patient will then be directed to the hand washing station upon entering the facility. Any accompanying individuals will be required to wait in their respective transportation.

· Patients may exit the facility through the either the West Body & Wellness or Aesthetic doors in order to enforce 6-foot social distancing throughout the entrance and exit points.

· All patients requesting product pickup only, will be directed to the existing curbside pickup process.

· A ten-minute block will be scheduled between each appointment to allow for staff to do a full disinfection of their treatment rooms between patient visits.

· If the patient did not bring a mask to wear to their visit, Rejuv staff will distribute a disposable mask for them to wear throughout the extent of their visit.

All Rejuv Staff

· All clinical staff should don a fitted KN95/N95 mask or similar approved mask, gloves and eye protective gear during interactions with patients.

· All non-clinical staff should don (at minimum) a standard surgical mask, a fitted KN95/N95 mask or similar approved mask during interactions with patients.

· Staff lunches will be staggered in order to minimize the amount of individuals in the break room at one time.

· Upon entering the building one at a time through the designated staff entrance (back door), all staff will be required to leave ALL personal belongings in their assigned lockers. Personal items will not be allowed in patient lobbies or exam rooms.

· Staff will then be screened by their direct supervisor in the locker room. Screening questions will be asked and temperatures will be taken. Staff will be restricted from punching in or entering any other areas of the clinic until the screening has been completed.

· All clinical staff will be provided 1 fitted KN95/N95 mask or similar approved mask per week and will be responsible for storing it in their respective lockers in a labeled brown paper bag at the end of each shift until the replacement date the following week.

· All staff will wear their fitted KN95/N95 mask or similar approved mask to the team huddle each day.

Social Distancing

· Attempts should be made to keep a social distance of at least 6 feet to both patients and staff whenever possible throughout the entire facility including the break room.

Limitation of shared products

· For the time being, pamphlets, paper reading materials, product testers, etc. will be removed from lobbies to prevent contamination.

· For the time being, there will be no beverage service in the lobbies.


· Employees should take great care in the routine sanitation of workstations and work areas at beginning and end of shift. Special care should be taken to frequently touched items such as the entrance and exit door handles, hand washing stations, registration desktop, desk chairs, telephones, keyboards, cell phones, writing utensils, calculators, water bottles, coffee cups, or any other items that are frequently touched throughout the day.

· If employees are switching workstations throughout the day to cover breaks, frequently handled surfaces such as registration desktops, desk chairs, phone, keyboards, and writing utensils should be sanitized between employees if possible.

· All door handles and public surfaces will be wiped down with 70% alcohol solution or bleach solution (1 part Clorox to 10 parts water) hourly. Staff will be required to sign off on the hourly checklist to document that this task has been completed.

· All linens will be laundered on the ‘Hot’ setting with the amount of bleach recommended by the product instructions.

Hand Hygiene

· Employees should take great care in exercising excellent hand washing at every available opportunity. If soap and water is not available, hand sanitizer may be substituted.

· Hand hygiene should be performed before donning/doffing any personal protective equipment, before and after patient care, before and after eating, before and after touching your face, after using the restroom, and before and after every shift.

Symptomatic Employees

· Employees who experience any of the COVID 19 screening questions, are exposed to someone with COVID 19, or who care for someone who has COVID 19 symptoms or who have confirmed COVID 19 symptoms should contact their direct supervisor and plan to stay home for at least 14 days after onset of symptoms or 14 days after exposure.

Providing Exceptional Kindness

· During this time, it is most important to provide compassion, excellent care, a positive attitude, extra kindness, and patience to our patients. They are going to be very nervous and have a lot of questions and as the healthcare professionals at Rejuv, they are going to be looking to us to provide reassurance during this time. We should work our very hardest to try to accommodate our patients and provide the best care that we can with a smile while also working very hard to lower the risk to our staff and the people who come in contact with our patients.

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